
Who's steering your thoughts? Our quiz is a straightforward way to check if you're in charge of your mind or if it might be controlling you more than you realize. It's about seeing clearly – are your thoughts helping you live your best life, or are they holding you back?

Your answers can shed light on whether you're using your mind as a tool to reach your goals, or if it's time to take a closer look and make some changes. The mind is powerful, and learning to manage it can make all the difference in your journey.

If you're finding that your thoughts are more of a hurdle, don't worry – it's a common challenge and one that you can overcome. It's about learning to quiet the noise and focus on what really matters.

Feel like you need a bit more guidance? We're here for you. Get in touch for a free session where we can chat more about it. Together, we can work on making your mind your ally, not an obstacle.

Do you see your mind as an ally in achieving your life's purpose, or more as an obstacle to be overcome?

Do you have bad days or bad moments?

When negative thoughts arise, how do you manage them?

When you go to bed, how long does it take for you to fall asleep?

Thank you for taking the quiz!

Who is in control of your mind? How long do negative thoughts foster? Are you able to shift state of mind, such as awake to sleep, on a whim?
